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Rector of the Classical University of Ternopil offers congratulations on the New Year!

31-12-2020, 13:04 News

 Meeting the New Year is an amazing time, it is a step into the future with new challenges and opportunities. Each of us will open the book of life in 2021 and write a special story on the blank pages of the days to come.

The First International School of World Educational Practices "New Way" is now closed!

29-12-2020, 12:20 News

 The aura of kindness, warm emotions and light nostalgia permeated the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Classical University of Ternopil in the days before Christmas. After all, the First International School of World Educational Practices "New Way", which was focused on raising the level of professional development of teachers and students of Legal Journalism, recently closed its doors.

Congratulations to the graduates of the project "Norway-Ukraine"

22-12-2020, 22:05 News

 On December 21, West Ukrainian National University welcomed guests and participants of the festive online celebrations dedicated to the graduation of students of the retraining program for retired servicemen, veterans and members of their families of the project "Norway-Ukraine. Professional adaptation. Integration into the state system".

WUNU placed high in the UI GreenMetric2020 rating!

21-12-2020, 21:20 News / University in Rankings

 University of Indonesia (UI) has published the result of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2020. This year it was included 912 universities from 84 countries. West Ukrainian National University ranked 491st place in the overall rating, as well as 4th in the ranking of higher education institutions in Ukraine.

Attention students!

18-12-2020, 21:02 News

 Nataliia Karpyshyn was appointed the Campus Director by the Order of the Rector no. 327-K/tr of December 2, 2020.

Classical University of Ternopil took 13th place in the QS EECA University Rankings

16-12-2020, 12:49 News / University in Rankings

 Today, the annual international ranking of higher education institutions QS EECA University Rankings was published. West Ukrainian National University ranks 13th among the best institutions of higher education in Ukraine. This means prestige and recognition.

"Ukraine-Croatia: 10 steps closer"

15-12-2020, 17:02 News

 Call for projects "Ukraine - Croatia: 10 steps closer" is announced, on the initiative of the Honorary Consul of Croatia in the Western Region of Ukraine Vitalii Zapukhliak. The competition was launched for students majoring in "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies".

A memorandum with the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Croatia

11-12-2020, 17:41 News

 On December 11, a memorandum was signed between West Ukrainian National University, C,lassical University of Ternopil and the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in the Western region.

Within the framework of cooperation, WUNU Rector Andriy Krysovatyy and Honorary Consul Vitalii Zapukhliak agreed to hold joint events, promote professional development of participants in the educational process of higher education institutions, advanced training and internships of students of B. Havrylyshyn ERIIR at the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Croatia.

The signed memorandum is a new opportunity for students and teachers.

Attention, students interested in project activities!

11-12-2020, 16:47 News

 We invite you to take part in the online conference "For a better future - only together! Partnership between government agencies, business and civil society is the key to achieving sustainable development goals."

The webinar is dedicated to the International Human Rights Day

9-12-2020, 16:41 News

 A webinar dedicated to the International Human Rights Day will take place at 7 p.m. on December 10. The Faculty of Law of Western Ukrainian National University is taking part in this extremely important event, which is organized jointly with Bangladesh University of Business and Technology. The online broadcast of the event can be viewed on the official Facebook page of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology: https://www.facebook.com/BUBTOfficial/