WUNU is 20th according to the international Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities!
Applications for participation in the ECO-FRIENDLY competition of startup projects
Scientists from Olsztyn University will teach at WUNU!
The close cooperation of West Ukrainian National University with European partner universities is not only conducted through exchanging experience, but also in practical aspects of educational and scientific work.
Professor Mychailo Luchko, Head of Financial Control and Audit Department at WUNU, has been successfully teaching at Olsztyn University (Poland) for the past thirteen years. Prof. Luchko teaches the disciplines "Economic risk and methods of its measurement", "Accounting", "Internal accounting", "Tax calculations and reporting", "Financial analysis", "Analysis of agreements and contracts".
We are happy to announce that WUNU Academic Council has approved Dr. Stanislav Shmitka, professor of Olsztyn University, teaching classes for students of the Department of Financial Control and Audit his academic year.
The Classical University of Ternopil is happy to expand international cooperation and selects the best features of higher education institutions from abroad to implement in its own practice!
WUNU scientists have been invited to teach at the University of Warsaw!
West Ukrainian National University is the classical university of Ternopil known in Europe as one of the best Ukrainian institutions of higher education. WUNU gained recognition and built its reputation thanks to its outstanding teaching staff.
Svitlana Mazepa, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law of West Ukrainian National University, Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Procedure, has been invited to teach the "LL.M. Human rights in international dispute resolution" Master's program at the Collegium Intermarium.
Best wishes to prof. Mazepa in her new endeavour!
International Scientific and Practical Conference
WUNU is in the top of the rating!
The International Relations Department informs
Seoul National University (SNU) has announced the possibility of receiving a Presidential Scholarship starting in the spring semester of 2022 for professors at universities in other countries who want to obtain a Ph.D. from SNU.