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AUABI President Mohammad Saleem Alotti took part in the Public Diplomacy Studies project

25-11-2020, 14:16 News

 On November 20, AUABI President Mohammad Saleem Alotti took part in the Public Diplomacy Studies project launched by B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations.

The Intitute students took part in the discussion and were interested in the tourist attractiveness of Ukraine for the Arab world, opportunities for educational cooperation and mutual access to national markets, features of foreign policy of Arab countries, cultural cooperation.

Mykola Movchan visited the Classical University of Ternopil

23-11-2020, 11:02 News

 Mykola Movchan (Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine for European Integration 2014 - 2019) visited the Classical University of Ternopil. Rector of West Ukrainian National University Andriy Krysovatyy spoke with the guest about the prospects for the development of youth policy in a global pandemic: creating new centers and expanding cooperation in education, culture, sports with European countries. Iryna Ivashchuk, director of B. Havrylyshyn NNIMV joined the discussion and spoke about the international activities of the institute and projects involving students and teachers of the university.

A meeting-seminar was held with representatives of Nord University

20-11-2020, 17:57 News

 On November 20, a meeting-seminar of the participants of the Ukraine-Norway project was held at West Ukrainian National University on the topic: “Work of universities in quarantine conditions. The experience of Nord University. The event was attended by representatives of Nord University and the Classical University of Ternopil. During the meeting, representatives of the universities of Ukraine and Norway exchanged views on the organization of the educational process of the countries in quarantine.

Presentation of diplomas to students of the School of Polish and European Law

19-11-2020, 17:08 News

 Today diplomas were awarded to students of the School of Polish and European Law. Teachers and students have mastered the course "Legal Polish", studying the following disciplines: criminal law, European contract law, constitutional law, the system of justice and advocacy in Poland, Polish and European company law, the conclusion and content of contracts and the invalidity of transactions in Polish law , application of European law and its influence on Polish civil law, civil law methods of inheritance in Polish law, European system of human rights protection, rationality of law creation.

Students' research within the framework of the Hate Crime project

19-11-2020, 16:13 News

 On November 18, the Faculty of Law of the Classical University of Ternopil hosted a discussion of research conducted by students participating in the Ukrainian-German project "Hate Crime", which aims to study the phenomenon to combat crimes committed on the basis of prejudice and intolerance. They are common in all countries and are often particularly brutal, and therefore pose a serious threat to both victims and society as a whole.

Congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Latvia

18-11-2020, 13:01 News

 Dear partners!

The teaching staff and students of West Ukrainian National University - classical university of Ternopil sincerely congratulate our reliable partners and esteemed friends on the Day of the Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia. We wish you peace, prosperity, harmony and success!

Dear partners!

18-11-2020, 12:30 News

 On behalf of the University Family of West Ukrainian National University and myself, please accept my sincere congratulations on Morocco's Independence Day.

Attention WUNU students!

18-11-2020, 12:00 News

 Do not miss the unique opportunity to apply for a scholarship program - a 6-month study and internship in Berlin (Germany) in the winter semester of 2021. You will have the opportunity to live in a German family.

Attention, teachers and students of WUNU!

18-11-2020, 12:00 News

 An online broadcast of the Rome Ministerial Conference, organized by the Bologna Process Support Group, will take place on November 19 from 10 am to 6 pm. The conference will be broadcast on the official website of the event: https://ehea2020rome.it/ and will be available for viewing in six languages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Russian. This is the first online Ministerial Conference in the history of the Bologna Process.

Dear students!

17-11-2020, 14:17 News

 Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of the International Student Day - a holiday that is associated with youth, romance, a great desire to reach the heights of recognition and self-affirmation.