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First International School of World Educational Practices "NEW WAY" at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of WUNU!

17-11-2020, 14:02 News

 More than three weeks of international experience! Almost a month of media law intensive activities! Experienced teachers-practitioners! Interactive tools and new approaches in the field of legislative journalism! Certificates of international internship! And many new impressions!

Round table on the topic: "The essence and efficiency of remote banking systems"

13-11-2020, 17:33 News

 As part of the Financial Literacy week, a round table on "The essence and efficiency of remote banking systems" on November 12 was held at the initiative of the student research group "Banking Analyst" with the support of the teaching staff of the Department of Banking of West Ukrainian National University.

The event was attended by about 40 people, including the teaching staff of the Department of Banking, students majoring in "Banking" of the WUNU Faculty of Finance and Accounting, students of the College of Classical University of Ternopil and students of secondary schools of Ternopil.

The round table was moderated by the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Halyna Zabchuk and Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Zoriana Sorokivska.

The 5th Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists with international participants

12-11-2020, 17:07 News

 On November 12, 2020, the Fifth Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists with international participation "Actual Problems of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management at the Present Stage" started at the Faculty of Economics and Management of West Ukrainian National University. WUNU's foreign partners, including the Wroclaw University of Economics and the Belarusian State Economic University, were involved in the conference. 

Presentation of WUNU Leadership Development Center

12-11-2020, 11:30 News

 On November 11, the Leadership Development Center of West Ukrainian National University was officially opened in the Rector's Conference Hall. The presentation was made by its Head - the executive director of the John Maxwell team, business coach, graduate student of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade of WUNU Igor Reveha.

The contest for the best logo is over!

11-11-2020, 18:30 News

 Dear friends!

The results of the contest for the new logo of West Ukrainian National University are in!

The jury considered 107 submitted variants of logos. All works are distinguished by a special philosophy, interesting design and creativity. Taking into account the results of the voting, which was held on the official website of the Classical University of Ternopil, the best logo design was proposed by the youth group "Leader". It was their work that garnered the most votes and the support of independent experts. After finalizing the initial version of the logo, the working group approved the new logo of West Ukrainian National University.We invite girls to receive the monetary reward - 10 thousand hryvnias.

We sincerely congratulate the winners, wish them inspiration, success in new creative projects and self-confidence. We are proud that young people have written a new page in the history of West Ukrainian National University, joining the rebranding of HEI.

Seminar for participants of Norway-Ukraine project

11-11-2020, 17:30 News

 A seminar for the organizers of the Norway-Ukraine project was held today at the Classical University of Ternopil. Representatives of West Ukrainian National University aimed to exchange experiences on best practices in the implementation of project tasks and the results of cooperation with regional representatives of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and local authorities.

Congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Poland

11-11-2020, 14:16 News

 Dear partners!
On behalf of the thousands of staff of West Ukrainian National University and on my own behalf, accept sincere congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Poland!

West Ukrainian National University is among the leaders in the Publons ranking

10-11-2020, 19:30 News / University in Rankings

 West Ukrainian National University ranks 7th in Ukraine among 456 institutions of higher education in the number of bibliometric profiles of scientists according to Web of Science. This is testament to the work of the scientists of the Classical University of Ternopil in the world digital scientific space.

Attention, university scientists!

6-11-2020, 16:00 News

 The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has announced a call for research and development projects, the financing of which will begin in 2021 at the expense of the state budget of Ukraine. We ask the university scientists to actively participate in the competition.

International Conference "Socio-Humanitarian Research and Innovative Educational Activity: The Priority Lines of Global Transformations

5-11-2020, 19:30 News

 The staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Classical University of Ternopil invites students, graduate students, young scientists to participate in the international student conference. It will be held on November 30 with the publication of a digital collection of conference materials.