Attention WUNU students!
Become a participant of the Euroschool-2021 EU Study Days.
EU Study Days is a project of the Delegation of the European Union in Ukraine, which promotes the development of a network of Ukrainian youth for communication, exchange of experience, cooperation and implementation of joint initiatives. This year, 12 online modules are planned, the speakers of which will be diplomats from the EU Delegation, leading European and Ukrainian experts.
To participate in EU Study Days you need to fill out the application form:
Deadline for applications - March 1 until 23.00.
More information:
For everyone interested in eurointegration!
We invite you to join the International Teleconference "Implementation of Jean Monnet Erasmus + projects in Kazakhstan and Ukraine: exchange of experience and prospects for cooperation".
The event will take place on February 9 at 10:00
Registration is required!
More information at the link:
Discussion panel "Poland - Ukraine: audit, local and global aspects"
On January 28, a discussion panel "Poland - Ukraine: audit, local and global aspects" / "Polska - Ukraine: audyt, aspekty lokalne i globalne" was organized by the Department of Financial Control and Audit of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting (Olsztyn, Republic of Poland). The event was dedicated to topical issues of auditing in the context of global and local challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic. The organizers of the panel discussion chose Polish as their working language.
Congratulations to the WUNU team on the sixth place in the Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities!
West Ukrainian National University is ranked 6th in the Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities among 317 Ukrainian higher education institutions in terms of openness. This is a recognition of the dedication to science in the classical university of Ternopil and the wealth of expertise that has been developed over the years by the teaching staff of WUNU.
Finale of the scholarship project "Ukraine - Croatia: 10 steps forward"
WUNU has access to the largest scientometric databases!
Dear professors, undergraduate and graduate students!
Western Ukrainian National University has free access to the largest scientometric databases Scopus Elsevier and Web of Science. Databases can be accessed from any computer in the local network of the university and the library using the links:
Scopus Elsevier –
Web of Science –
The Classical University of Ternopil was visited by a degetion from Turkey
Competition for scholarships to study in the People's Republic of China
An online meeting on "Poland-Ukraine: audit, local and global aspects"
On December 28, at 6 pm, West Ukrainian National University is organizing a ZOOM meeting on "Poland-Ukraine: audit, local and global aspects". You can join the online conference at the link:
Meeting ID: 523 533 6599
Passcode: 280120
Join us, it will be useful and fun!
Rector of the Classical University of Ternopil receives a Presidential honour!
On the occassion of Ukrainian Unity Day, Andriy Krysovatyy, Rector of West Ukrainian National University, has been awarded the Order of Merit, Third Class for significant personal contribution to state building, strengthening national security, socio-economic, scientific, technical, cultural and educational development of the Ukrainian state, significant professional achievements, and long-term conscientious work (Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 24/2021)