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Call for Ukrainian-Austrian scientific projects for 2021-2022 - applications are accepted till April 27

6-03-2020, 13:50 News

 The competition of joint Ukrainian-Austrian research projects for 2021-2022 has started. It was announced on March 2, 2020 by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy of the Republic of Austria and the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research.

Projects are due until April 27, 2020. You can submit them in all scientific disciplines and thematic areas. The competition is open to any research groups of higher education institutions, scientific institutions and enterprises of both countries.

Further details on the application process and the implementation of the projacts can be found at: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/startuvav-konkurs-ukrayinsko-avstrijskih-naukovih-proyektiv-na-2021-2022-roki-zayavki-prijmayut-do-27-kvitnya

Participate in a quiz and win prizes!

26-02-2020, 13:23 News

The EU Delegation and the Croatian Embassy in Ukraine are conducting an online quiz on the occasion of Croatia's presidency of the EU Council between February 24 and March 4.

ІІ International Interdisciplinary Winter School "Poland - Ukraine 2020"

25-02-2020, 12:23 News

 Internationalization of the educational process is a development strategy priority of Ternopil National Economic University. The Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel (Faculty of Economics and Management), continuing the long-standing cooperation with the Wroclaw University of Economics, helped organize the II International Multidisciplinary Winter School "Poland-Ukraine 2020", held in the town of Jelenia Gora (Republic of Poland).

Participate in the Young Entrepreneurs Programme!

12-02-2020, 12:05 News

 Don't miss the unique opportunity to participate in the Young Entrepreneurs Business Programme, which aims to bring together ambitious Norwegians and Ukrainians committed to business development. You will have the opportunity to get practical advice on setting up and running a business in Norway and Ukraine from professionals in your field over the course of two intensive weeks, one in Norway (May 2nd - May 10th) and one in Ukraine (June 21st - June 28th).

TNEU students tell about their semester study at the University of Nord (Kingdom of Norway)

8-02-2020, 11:17 News

 TNEU students are studying at the University of Nord (Kingdom of Norway) during the second semester of 2019-2020 as part of the Erasmus+ programme. They have shared their impressions of the experience so far.

TNEU delegation visited the Republic of Rwanda

3-02-2020, 20:00 News

 From January 20 to January 27, TNEU delegation (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research Oksana Desyatnyuk and Head of Department for International Students Olag Shevchuk) made a work visit to the Republic of Rwanda at the invitation of TNEU's partner company Best World Link Group.

Skype session "Recommendations for the preparation of project proposals under the EU Erasmus + Jean Monnet programme"

1-02-2020, 12:54 News

 Expert of the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine Petro Krainik conducted a skype training session "Recommendations for the preparation of project proposals under the EU Erasmus + Jean Monnet programme" on January 30. The meeting was attended by representatives of project teams working in different areas of the Program.

TNEU is among leaders in the evaluation of the scientific quality of universities in the world!

27-01-2020, 20:00 News / University in Rankings

 Webometrics published updated rating in January (January 2020, version 9.2, beta!, https://www.webometrics.info/en/transparent?fbclid=IwAR0XSXaQQxN9aKQjQW2nN19KOooFLDZV7SeowjRw2b_gv2iAx8EuJ_sometricsCA) based on citations from the Google Scholar database. Only 72 Ukrainian higher education institutions are included in the rating, and Ternopil National Economic University ranks 4th among them!

The TNEU academic community once again demonstrated quality work, leadership and a willingness to meet the demands of the times. The high quality and professional use of scientific content was ensured by the highly professional staff of the L. Kanishchenko TNEU Library.

Researchers of University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn are reliable TNEU partners

23-01-2020, 19:00 News

 On January 23, 2020, a delegation of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) visited the Ternopil National Economic University - Professor Mechislav Ruzhansky, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration, Dr. Marek Pashkowski, Dr. Justina Kszykowska.

The scientists of the University in Olsztyn cooperate closely with the TNEU Law Faculty, whose representatives made a number of working visits to the Republic of Poland in order to establish their cooperation in the field of research.

The consolidated rating of Ukrainian universities in 2019

17-01-2020, 18:00 News

 The educational resource "Osvita.ua" published a consolidated rating of Ukrainian higher education institutions for 2019. According to it, Ternopil National Economic University was ranked 40th in the overall rating of Ukrainian higher education institutions and second in the regional rating.

To compile the consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine, the most authoritative ratings among the experts and the media were used: "Top 200 Ukraine", "Scopus" and "ZNO on contract", each of which uses different evaluation criteria.