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II International Special Seminar dedicated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities "Inclusion of children with special needs: raising social and financial standards, integration into public life"

7-12-2020, 14:51 News

 The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly, is celebrated annually on December 3. The General Assembly called on states to further integrate people with special needs into public life.

For the second year in a row, the II International Special Seminar dedicated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was organized with the support of Oksana Desyatnyuk, WUNU Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Affairs, in partnership with the Higher School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava, Slovakia. The chosen topic was "Inclusion of children with special needs: raising social and financial standards, integration into public life".

Students and teachers of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting took part in an educational Global Campaign "16 Days Against Violence"

4-12-2020, 12:34 News

 In the first days of December 2020, members of the student research group "Social Supervisor" took part in an educational campaign to prevent and combat domestic violence. The international community annually supports the 16 Days Against Violence campaign. Thousands of citizens and hundreds of state and non-governmental organizations from more than 100 countries are stepping up their efforts from November 25 to December 10 to raise public awareness of domestic violence, child abuse, human trafficking, and women's rights.

11th International Conference on Advanced Computer Technologies

3-12-2020, 12:18 News

 On September 15-17, 2021, the 11th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies will be held in Deggendorf (Germany). Co-organizers of the event: West Ukrainian National University (Ukraine), Deggendorf University of Technology (Germany),University of South Bohemia (Czech Republic) and the German section of the IEEE. This year, the conference was attended by representatives of over 200 higher education institutions from more than 50 countries.

Congratulations on the Great Union Day!

1-12-2020, 11:03 News

 Your Excellency, Ambassador! Dear partners! On behalf of the teaching staff and students of West Ukrainian National University - Classical University of Ternopil - we sincerely congratulate you on the National Day of Romania.

Round table "Visegrad Four and Ukraine: directions, mechanisms and forms of partnership"

30-11-2020, 17:00 News

 On December 1, Department of International Economics of B. Havrylyshyn NNIMV is hosting a round table "Visegrad Four and Ukraine: directions, mechanisms and forms of partnership." We invite undergraduate and graduate students, as well as young scientists to join the discussion at 11.00.

Scientists of West Ukrainian National University were honored by the International Program "Scientist of the Year 2020"

27-11-2020, 14:08 News

 On November 20, under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Federation of Scientists with the support and participation of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine summed up the competition of the most successful scientists of 2020.

Ruslan Brukhanskyi - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Accounting and Economic and Legal Support of Agroindustrial Business of West Ukrainian National University was among the winners.

Dear university family!

26-11-2020, 13:46 News

 West Ukrainian National University must meet the challenges of the 21st century. In connection with the rebranding of the Classical University of Ternopil, we would like to inform you that now WUNU has a new, officially approved coat of arms, logo and anthem!

International Scientific Conference "Protection of children's rights in the context of the UN's Convention: pedagogical, psychological, legal and information dimensions"

25-11-2020, 16:30 News

On November 23, the first International Scientific Conference "Protection of Children's Rights in the Context of the UN Convention: Pedagogical, Psychological, Legal and Information Dimensions" was held at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Classical University of Ternopil.

AUABI President Mohammad Saleem Alotti took part in the Public Diplomacy Studies project

25-11-2020, 14:16 News

 On November 20, AUABI President Mohammad Saleem Alotti took part in the Public Diplomacy Studies project launched by B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations.

The Intitute students took part in the discussion and were interested in the tourist attractiveness of Ukraine for the Arab world, opportunities for educational cooperation and mutual access to national markets, features of foreign policy of Arab countries, cultural cooperation.

Mykola Movchan visited the Classical University of Ternopil

23-11-2020, 11:02 News

 Mykola Movchan (Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine for European Integration 2014 - 2019) visited the Classical University of Ternopil. Rector of West Ukrainian National University Andriy Krysovatyy spoke with the guest about the prospects for the development of youth policy in a global pandemic: creating new centers and expanding cooperation in education, culture, sports with European countries. Iryna Ivashchuk, director of B. Havrylyshyn NNIMV joined the discussion and spoke about the international activities of the institute and projects involving students and teachers of the university.