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"Innovations in EU Erasmus + competitions and how to join the Strategic Partnership"

10-09-2020, 14:00 News

 West Ukrainian National University appreciates the work of the team of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine and expresses gratitude that WUNU was confirmed to continue its activities in EU Erasmus+ Programmes as per the updated base of higher education institutions and projects of the EU Erasmus+ Programme. Thus, according to the results, WUNU is among the leading universities of Western Ukraine and ranks 18th among more than 200 universities in Ukraine.

The Faculty of Law of West Ukrainian National University has joined an international project of global importance

9-09-2020, 11:45 News

 The Covid-19 pandemic is spreading across the planet, and scientists around the world have joined forces to study the legal experience of foreign countries in the fight against coronavirus. The project is registered in the World Pandemic Research Network https://wprn.org/item/444252 "Coronavirus and the Law in Europe".

Zoom meeting of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and representatives of the Pontifical Gregorian University

8-09-2020, 11:30 News

 They say all roads lead to Rome. Yesterday, one such road was made shorter by modern technologies - the administration of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (Dean Oksana Homotiuk, Deputy Dean Oksana Koval and Professor Yurii Shcherbiak) had an opportunity to speak with representatives of Pontifical Gregorian University (Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law Janusz Kowal and Director of the Institute of Psychology Stanislaw Morgalla).

Meeting with the Honorary Consul of Hungary in Ukraine, President of the Podoliany Charitable Foundation Tetiana Chubak

4-09-2020, 11:05 News

 On September 2, an interactive lecture on "Cultural diplomacy: Soft power!" took place within the framework of the youth portal "Education Territory", which recently kicked off at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of West Ukrainian National University. The Honorary Consul of Hungary in Ukraine, President of the Podolyany Charitable Foundation Tetyana Chubak was the speaker.

Our university is the leader in the number of applicants in the Western region!

28-08-2020, 11:50 News

 The information resource Osvita.UA published a rating of the TOP-100 most popular universities among entrants, which includes higher education institutions-leaders in the number of applicants who enter on the basis of complete general secondary education. West Ukrainian National University is a leader in the Western region, and is 33rd among all of Ukraine!

TNEU was granted the status of a classical university and changed its name!

26-08-2020, 12:08 News

  Ternopil National Economic University was renamed into West Ukrainian National University, which is a multidisciplinary and classical university (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 25.08.2020 № 1077).

Congratulations to students, teachers and staff on the high status and recognition of the achievements of the scientific and educational community!

The Baltic University Programme organizes an international online forum and symposium

17-08-2020, 22:28 News

 We invite you to participate in the international online forum and symposium organized by BUP (Baltic University Programme, a member of which is Ternopil National Economic University).

Attention TNEU students! Full-time studies begin soon!

14-08-2020, 17:58 News

 Bachelor students of 2,3,4 years of study start classes on September 1st, same as TNEU college students. All first-year Master's students (except for Law and International Law) begin studies on September 7. We are expecting first-year Bachelor students and Law and International Law Master's students on September 14.

See you soon in the University halls!

Consolidated rating of Ukrainian universities in 2020

14-08-2020, 17:49 News

 Educational resource "Osvita.ua" published a consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine for 2020. Ternopil National Economic University is ranked thirty-third in the overall ranking of universities in Ukraine and second in the regional ranking.

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2020-EAC / A02 / 2019 - win for TNEU!

6-08-2020, 11:14 News

 According to the results of the 2020 call announced by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission,

CONGRATULATIONS to the Working Group of the project "Cross-domain competencies for healthy and safe work in the 21st century (WORK4CE)" for being selected in the Erasmus+ call Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2020-EAC/A02/2019.