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TNEU will test dissertations for plagiarism using the online service "Unicheck"

26-09-2018, 09:00 News

 Ternopil National Economic University promotes adherence to the principles of academic integrity. From now on, TNEU will test dissertations for plagiarism using the online service "Unicheck", which is already successfully being used by more than 90 Ukrainian and 350 foreign educational institutions.

Congratulations to students who will study at Inholland University of Applied Sciences for a semester

25-09-2018, 19:45 News / International cooperation

 On September 24, 2018, English language competency trials and marketing / management interviews (in English) were held as part of a competitive semester selection program at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences (Kingdom of the Netherlands) for the Erasmus + program.

Congratulations to all the students who were chosen!

Government of Mexico Scholarships

24-09-2018, 13:03 News / International cooperation /

 The Mexican Government has allocated scholarships to foreigners in 2019. For more information about the scholarship, see the section "Scholarships and Academic Collaboration Courses" in the "Actions and Programs" section on the website of the Government of Mexico. The application is open until September 28, 2018. All applications must be submitted electronically through the Academic Collaboration Management System in accordance with the requirements of the 2018 competition.

Scholarships from the Government of the Czech Republic for the 2019-2020

24-09-2018, 09:30 News / International cooperation /

 The Government of the Czech Republic offers Ukrainian students scholarships for studying in accredited educational programs in state institutions of higher education of the Czech Republic in the academic year 2019-2020. About 10 scholarships are offered for studying for master's and doctoral educational programs.

TNEU organized a flash mob to celebrate the International Day of Peace

24-09-2018, 09:00 News / Events

 Ukrainians have always associated a dove with peace. On September 21st, to celebrate the International Day of Peace, TNEU students organized a flash mob called "Doves of Peace". The flash mob took place at the front steps of the main TNEU building and featured a huge Ukrainian flag, as well as students dressed in traditional Ukrainian clothes setting doves free.

The Arab Gulf Program for Development announced "2018 AGFUND International Prize"

21-09-2018, 17:00 News / International cooperation

 The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine informs about the "2018 AGFUND International Prize" announced by the regional organization The Arab Gulf Program for Development.

Digital economics and civic education

20-09-2018, 11:54 News / International and Ukrainian Conferences

 During September 4-8, 2018, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Department of Economic Theory of TNEU O.V. Dluhopolskyi took part in the international conference "Brave New Worlds?! The Future of Democracy and Citizenship Education", organized by the Networking European Citizenship Education (NECE) in Marseille, France.

Wroclaw - Ternopil: scientific cooperation

20-09-2018, 11:39 News / International and Ukrainian Conferences

 Successful implementation of international agreements of the Ternopil National Economic University with its foreign partners requires direct interaction between the institutions. For the eighth year in a row, the TNEU delegation, consisting of the professors of the Department of Management and Public Administration, Doctors of Economic Sciences Alla Melnyk and Hryhorii Monastyrskyi took part in one of the most prestigious international conferences in Poland "Local and Regional Economics in Theory and Practice". The scientific event has been organized for the past 26 years by the Faculty of Economics, Management and Tourism at Jelenia Gora, Wroclaw University of Economics - one of the leading and reliable foreign partners of the Ternopil National Economic University.

Professor Dyvak participated in the XIX International Conference Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering

19-09-2018, 13:17 News / International and Ukrainian Conferences

 The 9th International Conference "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering" (CPEE'2018) was held on September 9-13 at Banska Stiavnica, Slovak Republic, organized by the University of Zhilin. Dean of the Faculty of Computer Information Technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mykola Dyvak participated in the event. During the section session, he presented a scientific report on "Information technology for the electrophysiological approach of identifying the reverse laryngeal nerve during operations on the neck".

A new centre for international cooperation was opened at TNEU

19-09-2018, 12:58 News / Events

 The year of the French language in Ukraine was officially launched on September 18 at the Ternopil National Economic University. The B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Economic Relations was the initiator of the events, while the Faculty of Finance was the co-organizer. During the celebration, the Center called "Integration Hub of African and Asian countries" was officially opened. The event was attended by Deputy Director of the Department of the Middle East and Africa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Yurii Pyvovarov, Rector of TNEU, Professor Andriy Krysovatyy and Director of the B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Economic Relations, professor Iryna Ivashchuk.