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Continuing training of participants in professional retraining and social adaptation courses under the Ukraine - Norway project

14-04-2020, 14:00 News

 TNEU continues to train reservists, veterans, and their families as part of professional retraining and social adaptation courses under the Ukraine - Norway project. In particular, currently students are completing a series of online lectures in Business Psychology and Management.

Staff of B. Havrylyshyn ERIIER continues to support students in dormitories

14-04-2020, 10:53 News

 Staff of B. Havrylyshyn ERIIER continues to help foreign students who have stayed in our dormitories for the time of quarantine and are in need of support. It is gratifying that the Education and Research Institute of Public Management has joined this good initiative of supplying the youth with food.

Regeneration 2030 - Annual Summit on the Åland Islands (Finland)

14-04-2020, 10:48 News

 As TNEU is a member of the Baltic University Program, we would like to inform you about the opportunity to be part of the BUP Student Delegation at the Regeneration 2030 Summit on the Åland Islands (Finland). This is an event that focuses on mobilizing young people for action.

Attention students and teachers!

13-04-2020, 17:30 News

 Order of the Rector of TNEU №145 of April 06, 2020 "On Amendments to the Schedule of the Educational Process 2019/2020" approved "Provisional Procedure for Passing, Examinations and Certification of Higher Education Applicants during the Quarantine with the Use of Video Communication Technologies and Distance Learning Platforms".

The Order and Provisional Procedure are available on the TNEU website and can be accessed at


FCIT students have developed a website to assist the Monastyrysk District Hospital

11-04-2020, 10:11 News

 This year a project of decentralized crowdfunding platform "Axilium" was created and implemented at the Faculty of Computer Information Technologies of Ternopil National Economic University during the Winter IT School (project leaders: Associate Professors Honchar and Melnyk.

Competition of Ukrainian-Latvian research projects for 2021-2022

10-04-2020, 17:00 News

 Dear colleagues! We would like to inform you about the opportunity to participate in the competition of Ukrainian-Latvian projects for 2021-2022. Applications will be accepted until May 18, 2020.

B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Economic Relations supports foreign students during quarantine

9-04-2020, 09:33 News

 The events of the last month have turned our lives around regardless of status, language, etc. The foreign students of TNEU stayed in Ukraine, in Ternopil. There are more than 200 of them here. Also, Ukrainian students of B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Economic Relations are far from home now - in the Netherlands, Poland, Germany on exchange programs. We think it is not easy for them now and they are waiting for support!

TNEU launches spring semester for Ukraine-Norway project

7-04-2020, 14:04 News

 On April 6, Ternopil National Economic University hosted an online opening of the spring semester of the courses "Retraining and social adaptation of military officers, veterans and their families in Ukraine. Integration of the Norway-Ukraine project model into the state system".

Distance learning at TNEU - modern opportunities for knowledge modernization

6-04-2020, 11:27 News

 Now video lectures, open access to study resources, completion of all assignments remotely, and online assessment are not just something from a Hollywood movie, but rather a mode of distance education that is compliant with anti-pandemic restraints.

TNEU Volunteers help foreign students

3-04-2020, 17:30 News

 Volunteers of TNEU Law Faculty continue to help quarantined people in need. They have not forgotten about foreign students of higher education institutions, as young people are left alone in a foreign country and also need support.

It is heartening that TNEU youth are ready to help one another, regardless of their nationality and language barriers.

If you would like to join the volunteer team - call (063) 907-02-88, Iryna.