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WUNU is a co-organiser of the economic conference "New Paradigms in the Economy"

8-01-2024, 13:15 News

 The staff of the Department of Economics and Economic Theory of the Faculty of Economics of West Ukrainian National University invites researchers to take part in the 12th International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Paradigms in the Economy: Connectivity, Innovation and Sustainability" (https://conference.oikosinstitut.org), which will be held on 31 May 2024 in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.

WUNU held a seminar for teachers titled "Immersive Technologies in Education"

5-01-2024, 14:00 News / Events

 The Immersive Multifunctional Hub, which operates at West Ukrainian National University, hosted a seminar on Immersive Technologies in Education for teachers of the Ternopil Educational Complex "Secondary School of I-III Degrees - Medical Lyceum No. 15 named after Lesia Ukrainka".


4-01-2024, 13:42 News / ACADEMIC MOBILITY NEWS / News of international academic mobility

 Attention, project teams and coordinators of international activities!

Zoom-session with Jean Monnet's manager - Petro Krainik

4-01-2024, 13:35 News / Events

 Attention, all working groups and stakeholders of West Ukrainian National University who are involved in the submission of project applications under the Jean Monnet programme!

Call for papers for the 2024 14th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT-2024)

3-01-2024, 13:14 News

 On September 19-21, the ACIT'2024 conference will be held in České Budějovice at the University of South Bohemia.

The spiritual joy of the Christmas holidays

28-12-2023, 13:51 News / Student News

 Christmas is one of the brightest and most festive Christian holidays, and caroling is an ancient tradition that unites all Ukrainians into one big family.

The students congratulated the staff of WUNU on Christmas!

27-12-2023, 13:40 News / Student News

 It is a good tradition of the Ukrainian people to glorify the birth of the Christ in ringing carols and sincere greetings. The campus team visited the various buildings of the higher education institution to celebrate the Merry Christmas with the administration, faculty and staff of West Ukrainian National University.

Psychological training continues!

27-12-2023, 13:31 News / Events

 Helping others is a noble yet difficult pursuit, as it requires considerable psychological resources.

Workshop "Overcoming the consequences of traumatic events"

27-12-2023, 12:58 News / Events

 Zoriana Krupnyk, a trainer of the Israel Trauma Coalition and social educator at the Education and Research Centre for Social and Psychological Support and Resilience, conducted a workshop on "Overcoming the Consequences of Traumatic Events" for teachers in Ternopil.

Charity student play "The Night Before Christmas"

26-12-2023, 12:29 News / Student News

 West Ukrainian National University hosted a charity student performance of The Night Before Christmas, which whimsically intertwined ancient legends and scenes from the life of a Ukrainian village of the time, sincere love, a sense of humour, loud carols, wintry and joyful everyday life, and interesting meetings.