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Information session "Learn about Erasmus+"

15-05-2024, 16:11 News / Events

 On the occasion of the Europe Day, an information session "Learn about Erasmus+" was held at West Ukrainian National University, which was attended by teachers and students of WUNU.

The second day and conclusion of the conference "Communication as a factor of transparency of social interaction"

14-05-2024, 20:39 News / Events / International and Ukrainian Conferences

 The second day of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Communication as a Factor of Transparency of Social Interaction: Psychological, Historical, Legal, Economic and Political Dimensions", organised by the Education and Research Institute of Communications of West Ukrainian National University in cooperation with the National Mediation and Reconciliation Service and the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, was extremely eventful and productive.

International conference "Challenges of modern economy development"

14-05-2024, 16:03 News / Events / International and Ukrainian Conferences

 On 24 May 2024, at 11.00 a.m., the International Conference "Challenges of the Modern Economy Development" will be held, organised by the Yerevan Education and Research Institute of West Ukrainian National University.

I International scientific and practical multidisciplinary forum of partnership cooperation "Dialogue for the Future"

14-05-2024, 15:55 News / Events

 On 17-31 May 2024, the First International Scientific and Practical Multidisciplinary Partnership Forum "Dialogue for the Future" will be held in Riga (Latvia).

Official Participation Announcement of WUNU Team in Erasmus+ Project "MY FARM"

14-05-2024, 13:13 News

   Dear students, colleagues, and partners,
We are delighted to inform you that the team from the Department of Information and Computing Systems and Management at the Western Ukrainian National University has successfully participated in the initial meeting of the international Erasmus+ project "MY FARM," held in Naples, Italy.

European Sambo Championships

13-05-2024, 13:38 News / Sport

 The European Sambo Championships took place in Novi Sad, Serbia.

International Conference of Young Scientists "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development"

13-05-2024, 10:43 News / Events / International and Ukrainian Conferences

 The International Conference of Young Scientists "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development" was held at West Ukrainian National University.

Europe Day for students of the International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies study programme

10-05-2024, 12:31 News / Student News

 The Europe Day for students of the International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies study programme began with a special lecture by the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in Ternopil, Yaroslav Vizniak, which was held as part of the course "Theory of International Relations".

Lecture "Polish and European law of co-operatives"

9-05-2024, 12:57 News / Events

 The School of Polish and European Law invites students and lecturers of West Ukrainian National University to attend the lecture "Polish and European Law of Co-operatives", which will be held on 10 May at 17:00.

The Third International Scientific and Practical Conference "Communication as a Factor of Transparency of Social Interaction: Psychological, Historical, Legal, Economic, and Political Dimensions"

9-05-2024, 12:52 News / Events

 The Third International Scientific and Practical Conference "Communication as a Factor of Transparency of Social Interaction: Psychological, Historical, Legal, Economic, and Political Dimensions", organised by the Education and Research Institute of Communications of WUNU, the National Mediation and Reconciliation Service and the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, has started at West Ukrainian National University.