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WUNU employees donated an SUV to border guards of the Bohdan Khmelnytsky National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

24-05-2023, 14:34 News

 The community of West Ukrainian National University is united by one goal - to bring Ukraine's victory over the enemy closer. That's why the university family continues to be active in volunteering.

Graduation of Masters of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

23-05-2023, 14:00 News / Student News

 The happy family of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of West Ukrainian National University gathered at the Ternopil Taras Shevchenko Academic Regional Ukrainian Drama Theater. They were united by a celebration that intertwined joy and sadness, memories and dreams, youth and maturity - the awarding of diplomas to the Master's students of the Faculty.

20th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Economic and Social Development of Ukraine in the 21st Century: National Vision and Challenges of Globalization"

22-05-2023, 12:43 News / Events / International and Ukrainian Conferences

 The 20th jubilee International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Economic and Social Development of Ukraine in the 21st Century: National Vision and Challenges of Globalization" was held at West Ukrainian National University.

Third International Scientific and Practical Conference "Social, Economic, Legal and Financial Challenges in the Context of Global Transformations"

19-05-2023, 12:24 News / Events / International and Ukrainian Conferences

 Current world order is undergoing intense transformation. New challenges in an environment of uncertainty are becoming a real test of the strength for states and their policies, and this requires effective solutions and makes us look for new opportunities and ways to overcome them.

Bukovel academic spring school BASS-2023

18-05-2023, 12:01 News / Events

 The international program of the BASS-2023 "Building Resilience of Economic, Legal and Educational Systems in the Context of Social Crises" has been completed.

Attention, students of WUNU!

16-05-2023, 21:14 News / ACADEMIC MOBILITY NEWS / News of international academic mobility

Poznan University of Economics and Business (Poland) announces the call for students to participate in the Power BI & Tableau Poznan Summer School.

Teachers and students of WUNU participated in the BraveTe Business Forum

16-05-2023, 21:13 News / Events / International cooperation

 Recently, teachers and students of the B.D. Havrylyshyn Institute of International Relations of West Ukrainian National University participated in the BraveTe Business Forum "Prospects for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Ukraine".

Opening of the Bukovel Academic Spring School 2023

15-05-2023, 20:33 News / Events

 On May 14, 2023, the opening of the Spring Academic School Bukovel-2023 "Building Resilience of Economic, Legal and Educational Systems in the Context of Social Crises" took place.

Attention, users of the L. Kanischenko WUNU Library!

15-05-2023, 20:26 News / Student News

 Access to the full-text electronic library of the Condor publishing house is now available (electronic link to the online library: https://online-condor.com.ua/).

 Together to victory!

15-05-2023, 20:13 News

 Each of us has our own front!

Everyone should do everything they can and make every effort to bring victory closer!

With this inspired goal in mind, the students of the Ivano-Frankivsk Education and Research Institute of Management of West Ukrainian National University organized a charity fair to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.