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Start of the student council project "FSSH Debate"

21-11-2022, 18:30 News / Events / Student News

 Recently, a new project of the student council "Debates at the FSSH" was launched at West Ukrainian National University. The topic of the first meeting was "Euthanasia in Ukraine: for or against?".

Bronze at the Ukrainian Judo Championship!

21-11-2022, 14:00 News / Sport

 On November 17, the Ukrainian Judo Championship was held in Kyiv.

Students of West Ukrainian National University successfully performed at the competition: Snizhana Plish and Mykhailo Svidrak won bronze awards.

All-Ukrainian educational forum "New Dimensions of Security: Challenges and Solutions"

17-11-2022, 17:00 News / Events

 Today, the two-day All-Ukrainian educational forum "New Dimensions of Security: Challenges and Solutions" continued at West Ukrainian National University. Rectors of higher education institutions and scientists from different parts of Ukraine met at the classical university of Ternopil.

Launch of the "Online Mentor" programme

16-11-2022, 19:00 News / Events / Student News

 The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine together with the Ukrainian Startup Fund announce the launch of a new innovative digital tool "Online Mentor" within the scope of the "Science&Business" project.

International Office informs

16-11-2022, 15:00 News

 Dear colleagues!

We encourage you to take part in the initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology regarding the development and increase of innovative and entrepreneurial potential.

College students bought a car for the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

15-11-2022, 16:54 News

 Good deeds always contribute to spiritual growth, and today they speed up our victory!

New avenues of cooperation with Hungary

14-11-2022, 16:36 News / International cooperation

 The rector of West Ukrainian National University, Andriy Krysovatyy, met with Mihai Gruber, the secretary of the Hungarian embassy for culture and education. They discussed issues of cooperation between WUNU and Hungarian institutions of higher education.

Participation in «The second Bi-annual Negotiation Conference-2022»

14-11-2022, 16:28 News / International cooperation

 On November 11, at the invitation of Professor William Baber of Kyoto University (Japan), teachers and students of the educational and professional programme "Psychology of Negotiations and Mediation" took part in the international conference on negotiations "The second Bi-annual Negotiation Conference-2022".

Learning from the best experts in the world is a great honor!

14-11-2022, 16:13 News

 The other day, an interactive discussion platform was held for students of Psychology of Negotiation and Mediation with a real guru in the field of negotiations, best-selling author, international trainer and founder of LATZ Negotiation, Mr. Marty Latz (USA).

Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Poland!

11-11-2022, 16:03 News

 The staff of West Ukrainian National University congratulates the Republic of Poland on Independence Day! We value our friendly relations, which are built on mutual respect and effective cooperation, appreciate and feel your support in countering Russian aggression.