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First International Scientific and Practical Conference "Communication as a factor of transparent social interaction: psychological, historical, juridical, economic and political dimensions"

1-04-2022, 11:25 News

 Today, in a time of war, in a time of great trials for Ukraine and every Ukrainian, in a time of deep despair, hope, or inspiration, we must be strong and do everything we can. Continuing its volunteer initiatives, West Ukrainian National University resumed the educational process and research activities.

Pre-medical care courses at WUNU!

31-03-2022, 13:00 News

 The Volunteer Center of West Ukrainian National University is holding first aid courses. Nataliia Vilibnitska (doctor I category) is conducting practical classes for teachers, students and staff, accessibly explaining the basic concepts of medical practice.

Volunteering at WUNU

31-03-2022, 11:35 News

 Volunteers of West Ukrainian National University have cgathered 80 first aid kits, which will be sent to the defenders of Ukraine today. The Volunteer Center expresses its sincere gratitude to all those who helped financially and physically to provide the necessary medicines for those who are at the front.

WUNU student in University of Lodz

30-03-2022, 10:30 News / News of international academic mobility

 Victoria Kolyuda, a student of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the West Ukrainian National University, is studying for a semester at the University of Łódź (Poland).

According to the student, the university teachers are trying to support Ukrainian students in this difficult time for Ukraine. Training is very meaningful and also conducted in English and Polish.
Our candidate is delighted that thanks to the international cooperation of the Classical University of Ternopil she was able to study at a foreign university.
Abroad, Ukrainian students are coming together and calling on the European community to help Ukraine overcome the enemy.
We are intelligent, we are strong!

Together to victory!

29-03-2022, 12:30 News

 Meet this beautiful girl, her name is Anya, she is 9 years old. On the twenty-fourth of February, her morning, like all Ukrainians, began with the words: "wake up, the war has begun…". She came to our city from the capital of Ukraine, the beautiful, majestic Kyiv.

International student mobility

27-03-2022, 16:30 News / News of international academic mobility

 Tamara Melishkevych, a student of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the Classical University of Ternopil, shares her impressions of studying at a Polish university.
"Thanks to the faculty and my West Ukrainian National University, I had the opportunity to go to the city of Lodz (Poland) for a semester. I have been here for 3 weeks, so I managed to learn the city and visit the first lessons. I study at the Faculty of Philology, majoring in Journalism, where I have a greater inclination to record speech and a little sociology.
All lessons are in English. The classrooms and the university are very modern and beautiful, each lesson is an experience and practice. I have already managed to record several radio reports, analyzed an incredible amount of news and, of course, gain a lot of new knowledge, although this is just the beginning. I hope that after the return of interest from my studies it will be possible to apply in my native Ternopil. "

Gratitude to Polish partners

24-03-2022, 16:06 News

 The administration of West Ukrainian National University expresses its sincere gratitude to Ms. Justyna Krzywkowska, Professor of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, for the systematic humanitarian assistance to vunerable citizens of Ukraine and the support of the Ukrainian people!

Let's support the Ukrainian defenders!

24-03-2022, 15:00 News

 The staff of the Office for Humanitarian Education and Upbringing of the classical university of Ternopil announces a drive to collect drawings and letters for the Ukrainian military.

Open letter from the Ukrainian academic community to the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union (EU) and each EU Member State

24-03-2022, 11:30 News

 Dear colleagues, on February 24, 2022, at 5:00 am, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, has officially expanded the boundaries of the full-scale invasion and war against Ukraine, which has been going on for the last 8 years. This is a war against the entire democratic civilization, which violates the European peace agreements reached after the Second World War.

WUNU became a shelter for students from Sumy and Zhytomyr

22-03-2022, 14:00 News

 Today the war is a pain of millions of Ukrainians, it is divided by family borders, broken buildings, destroyed universities, killed civilians ...

For the 27th day in a row, Ukraine is fighting for its future. Many young men and women were forced to leave their universities to escape the horrors of war. We are glad that the West Ukrainian National University was able to become a shelter for 1st, 3rd and 4th year students from Sumy State University and Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko. Boys and girls at the Classical University of Ternopil will study in the field of "Psychology" and "Cybersecurity". We hope you will love Ternopil with its elegant parks, lake and incredible atmosphere.

Everything will be Ukraine!