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World Ranking of Transparency of Institutional Repositories of Universities and Other Educational Institutions

We sincerely congratulate the TNEU University community for their brilliant achievement in the updated World Transparent Ranking of Repositories https://repositories.webometrics.info/en/transparent.

The rating is based on the number of scientific papers placed in the repository and indexed by the Google Scholar database. According to the rating results, Ternopil National Economic University has risen from 177th to 107th place! In the world rating of institutional repositories L. Kanishchenko TNEU Library occupies the 96th slot! https://repositories.webometrics.info/en/node/32.

The high appreciation of the university is the result of the hard work of its staff. After all, each of us contributes daily to forming TNEU’s rating in the national and international arenas.

Great news! TNEU is the first among Ukrainian higher education institutions according to the results of this year's evaluation of the quality of universities’ scientific activity!

In July, an updated rating (July 2019, version 8.0.0, beta!, https://webometrics.info/en/transparent) was published, based on a citation analysis of scientists from Google Scholar's Webometrics database.

This year only 70 Ukrainian HEIs are included in the rating, and Ternopil National Economic University is the leader among them!

The high quality and effective use of scientific content was ensured by the highly professional staff of the TNEU L. Kanishchenko Library.

The TNEU scientific community has once again confirmed that it is exceptional! It is here that every student has the opportunity to learn from the experience and knowledge of highly qualified progressive mentors! So, students who have not yet decided on the choice of higher education institution - choose TNEU!

TNEU in the TOP-100 of the most popular universities among entrants

 According to the information system "Vstup. OSVITA.UA", which publishes

rating lists of entrants, more than 1 million 500 thousand applications

have been submitted to educational institutions.

Ternopil National Economic University is ranked 30th in the rating,

which confirms the interest of entrants to enter our higher education

institution. The table includes all applications for admission to the

Bachelor's and Master's Degree programmes based on full secondary

education in all forms of study as of July 24, 2019.

We remind that Information system Vstup.OSVITA.UA publishes current

ratings of entrants for more than 78 000 competitive offers from all

universities, institutes, academies, colleges and technical colleges of

Ukraine, which carry out the admission of entrants for the degree of

junior specialist, bachelor or master's degree.

Rating of educational institutions is available at: https://osvita.ua/consultations/bachelor/65178/

TNEU is among leaders again

Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities (Edition 2019.2.0) was published in July. According to the rating, Ternopil National Economic University has risen two places and is ranked 4th among 320 Ukrainian higher education institutions (https://www.webometrics.info/en/Europe/Ukraine%20)!

We sincerely congratulate the TNEU scientific community with such a significant achievement. This proves that the joint efforts aimed at forming the image of TNEU as a progressive educational and scientific center in the national and international arena show an excellent result!

Webometrics University Ranking is compiled by one of the largest scientific institutions in Europe - the National Research Council of Spain and evaluates about 30 thousand higher education institutions from around the world. The rating has existed since 2004 and is considered one of the most respected web rankings of the world's educational institutions. The rating methodology is based on the analysis of the university's representation in the global information space and indirectly allows to evaluate the educational and research achievements.

TNEU YouTube channel is the fifth in Ukraine in the uniRank 2019 rating!


We are pleased to announce that the University YouTube Channel ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzmAJJqajyKzUUvbo5Wo-Ew ) was included in the recently released October 2019 YouTube UniRank university rating (https://www.4icu.org/youtube/).

The rating is published twice a year, in May and October. YouTube UniRank is a non-academic social media ranking of higher education institutions based on the number of subscribers each major institution YouTube channel has and their activity. The October issue includes more than 8,100 official YouTube university channels from 182 countries. This release includes statistics and engagement metrics for each channel, including total subscribers, total videos posted, total and average video views.

TNEU is 5th among the Ukrainian institutions of higher education!

TNEU's YouTube rating in Ukraine at: https://www.4icu.org/youtube/en/

YouTube University Channel statistics and engagement metrics: https://www.4icu.org/youtube/en/4652/

TNEU students are the smartest!

The results of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads in the academic disciplines and specialties in the 2018/2019 academic year have been summarized. The Olympiads were organized on the basis of 80 higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and 18 other ministries and agencies.

We are proud of the TNEU students, as they have received the highest number of winner diplomas among institutions of higher education of economic profile. TNEU youth demonstrated a high level of erudition, perseverance, ability to solve different tasks and to work comprehensively on problems.

We sincerely congratulate the winning students and their mentors, we wish you inspiration, new findings, interesting research, achievements and victories! It is you who shape the positive image of our university among the educational and scientific community of Ukraine!