Structural Units FACULTIES FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Department of Architecture and Design Department of Information and Socio-Cultural Activities Department of Educology and Pedagogy Department of Psychology and Social Work Department of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT Department of Economics and Economic Theory Department of Marketing Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade FACULTY OF COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Department of Economic Cybernetics and Informatics Department of Information and Computing Systems and Control Department of Cyber Security Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Engineering Department of Applied Mathematics Department of Specialized Computer Systems FACULTY OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING Department of Financial Control and Audit Department of Accounting and Taxation S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance Department of Financial Technologies and Banking Business FACULTY OF LAW Department of Administrative Law and Procedure Department of Security and Law Enforcement Department of Criminal Law and Procedure Department of International and European Law Department of Legal Theory and Constitutionalism Department of Civil Law and Procedure Education and Research Institutes B. HAVRYLYSHYN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Department of Foreign Languages, Information and Communication Technologies Department of International Relations and Diplomacy Department of International Economic Relations Department of International Economics Department of International Tourism and Hospitality Business S. Konoval Department of Political Science and Philosophy Ternopil Business School English-Language Programme in International Economics European-American Programme of Computer Sciences and Project Management Ukrainian-Dutch Faculty-Programme Ukrainian-German Faculty-Programme Ukrainian-Polish Programme EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF INNOVATION, NATURE MANAGEMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE Department of Agrobiotechnology Department of Business Analytics and Innovative Engineering Department of Ecology and Healthcare Department of Economic Expertise and Land Management Department of Transport and Logistics EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES (ERIAET) Office of Lifelong Professional Development Education and Research Centre of Foreign Languages Studies Centre of Extramural Studies and Distance Learning Carpathian Educational Research Institute Кamianets-Podilskyi Education and Research Centre Lutsk Branch of WUNU Sambir Branch of WUNU Khmelnytskyi Education and Research Institute EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT VINNYTSIA EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS (VERIE) Department of Economics, Accounting and Taxation Department of Law and Humanities Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance YEREVAN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE (YERI) IVANO-FRANKIVSK EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT (IFERIM) Department of International Economics, Marketing and Management Department of Management and Administration NOVOVOLYNSK EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT (NERIEM) Department of Fundamental and Special Disciplines CHORTKIV EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ENTERPRENEURSHIP AND BUSINESS Department of Fundamental and Special Disciplines Sports complex "Economist" Education and Research Centers of WUNU EDUCATION AND RESEARCH CENTRE OF COMMUNICATIONS EDUCATION AND RESEARCH CENTRE OF SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT AND RESILIENCE Colleges of WUNU SSU "Vinnytsia Vocational College of Economics and Entrepreneurship of WUNU" SSU "Yerevan Vocational College of WUNU" SSU "Vocational College of Economics, Law and Information Technologies of WUNU" SSU "Chortkiv Vocational College of Economics and Entrepreneurship of WUNU" Schools School of Polish and European Law