The Educational and Scientific Centre for The Training of Reserve Officers

Volodymyr Hukaliuk

Head of The Educational and Scientific Centre For The Training of Reserve Officers

Contact Information: 


Phone: (0352) 23-55-04*15-238

Address: Room 604, WUNU Building 5

46a Mykulynetska st., Ternopil

The Educational and Scientific Centre For The Training of Reserve Officers

The Educational and scientific centre for the training of reserve officers is a structural unit of West Ukrainian National University that provides military training of Ukrainian citizens under reserve officers' training programmes in specialized and related specialities. Training is conducted both at the expense of the state budget and the funds of Ukrainian citizens. The training aims to supply the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other branches of the military with a sufficient number of military personnel. The graduates perform military service in reserve, serve as officers under contract or conscription and serve in the military reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or other military formations. The Centre offers students an opportunity to satisfy their personal needs in terms of acquiring additional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the proper performance of reserve military service in peacetime, active military service in wartime, and for future professional life.

The Centre carries out training of reserve officers in accordance with the Procedure for military training of citizens of Ukraine under the Training Programme for Reserve Officers (approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 48 of February 1, 2012), Instructions on military training of citizens of Ukraine under the Training Programme for Reserve Officers (approved by a joint order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 719/1289 of December 14, 2015; registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 31, 2015 under No. 1678/28123.

The Educational and Scientific Centre For The Training of Reserve Officers trains citizens of Ukraine in the following military specialities:

  1. Combat use of mechanized formations, military units and subdivisions
  2. Deployment of formations, military units and logistics units
  3. Psychology
  4. Combat use of formations, military units and ground artillery units

Military training under the reserve officer training programme is carried out on a voluntary basis. To be eligible, citizens must have obtained or be 

obtaining a higher education degree (Bachelor's degree or more), and be suitable for military service in terms of health, moral and personal qualities.

Female persons may be involved in military training in military specialties in accordance with the List approved by the Order of the Minister of 

Defence of Ukraine No. 412/dsk of June 20, 2012 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July 16, 2012 under No. 1191/21503).


Enrollment of citizens for military training is based on the results of competitive selection and medical examination by military medical boards.

 Military training is planned and conducted one day a week ("military day" method). The duration of training is 2 years.

 Citizens who have obtained a higher education degree (Bachelor's degree or higher), have completed a full course of military training under the reserve officers program, have passed the established examinations and have 

been certified as officers, by order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine are awarded the rank of Junior Lieutenant of the Reserve.

The modern training facilities of the National Ground Forces Academy named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachny are used to facilitate the training.

The best Academy instructors are involved in the training, as well. Classrooms are equipped with modern multimedia devices and samples of current military equipment, which ensures the military training programs provide the acquisition of practical and useful skills.

After completing the theoretical course, practical classes are held on the basis of the military unit A-3215, where students have the opportunity to practically apply the acquired knowledge.